Peatlands Climate Action Scheme
Bord na Móna has recently announced the cessation of peat production on all of their bogs. Peat had been extracted from these Bord na Móna bogs under Integrated Pollution Control (IPC) licences issued and administered by the Environmental Protection Agency. As part of Condition-10 of this licence, decommissioning and rehabilitation must be carried out when industrial peat production ceases.
In line with Bord na Móna’s accelerated decarbonisation strategy, and the availability of government funding, the company has also committed to ambitious enhanced peatland decommissioning, rehabilitation and restoration measures, targeting circa 33,000 hectares in over 80 Bord na Móna bogs.
This strategy has been developed to optimise ecosystem service benefits of peatland rehabilitation and restoration, particularly carbon storage and reducing carbon emissions. In addition, this will also benefit biodiversity and water (water quality and catchment management), as well as providing space for local communities and people to enjoy the outdoors.
The primary aim of the Peatlands Climate Action Scheme is to optimise climate action benefits of rewetting the former industrial peat production areas by creating soggy peatland conditions that will allow compatible peatland habitats to redevelop.
Climate Action Benefits
The scheme will deliver benefits for climate action by optimising carbon storage of residual peat, reducing greenhouse gas emissions from cutaway bog and accelerating the development of carbon sequestration with Sphagnum-rich vegetation in suitable conditions.
Additional Ecosystem Benefits
The measures proposed will set sites on an accelerated trajectory towards the development of a variety of compatible habitats including developing natural peatland, wetland and woodland. This will provide habitat for a range of species that depend on these habitats, including some species that are rare and protected.
The proposed measures will also contribute to the improvement of water quality and the attenuation of surface water run-off during high rainfall events.
Queries and FAQs
We understand you may have questions about the scheme and we have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions.

Useful Links
For independent advice and information on bog restoration.

If you require further information, please contact us.

Visit a Restored Bog
If you would like to visit Lough Boora discovery park, please contact us for a tour.