Our Mission
Our mission is to inspire, support and nurture talent to carry out multi and transdisciplinary research, and generate innovative solutions to global water challenges.
Our Vision
Our vision is to be globally recognised for innovations in water research and education.
Strategic Pillars
Pillar 1
Technology Innovation
Pillar 2
Policy Impact
Pillar 3
People and Ethics
Strategic Objectives
Delivery of innovative engineering, science, data analytics, DSS and knowledge transfer of multidisciplinary research and innovation capabilities. Development of novel strategies, capability and excellence in bio-design approaches for water management and future emerging technologies.
Partnering with university, industry and agencies to support commercialisation of discoveries and transformative approaches.
Monitor and track projects, and build trust in the use of technology to inform regulation and policy.
Attract, select, motivate and retain talent with innovative skills, and advance the design and deployment of technological solutions without harm.
Achieving societal impact and the way people behave around water.
We aim to improve and advance basic knowledge of physical, chemical, biological and engineering processes in aquatic systems; to enhance the understanding of human interactions and attitudes with water; to develop and promote improved methodologies for water management and; to inform policy based on a foundation of science, engineering and computing technologies. These goals will be met through knowledge and research partnerships, and will be underpinned by technology advances and policy.
The Water Institute is found on the Glasnevin Campus of DCU, beside the Stokes building.
Water Institute Brochure
Download our full brochure of information and expertise.