School of Engineering

Dr James Carton graduated with B.Eng. in Manufacturing Engineering from Bolton St. Dublin Institute of Technology in 2005.
Following several years of industrial manufacturing experience, Dr Carton carried out his PhD research in Dublin City University, focussing on the research, design and development of Hydrogen & Fuel Cell technology, graduating in 2011. During his PhD research, Dr Carton gained many years of experience in bleeding edge technology development, completing projects with the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA). At the Space Life Science Lab, John F. Kennedy Space Centre, Dr Carton performed structural and fluid analysis, design and development on a number of projects, including FASTRACK a hardware platform for microgravity experiments and ABRS a space-bound payload, which successfully launched in 2009 to the International Space Station (ISS).
Following his PhD research, Dr Carton joined ENBIO in 2011 to develop heat shield coatings with the European Space Agency (ESA). In 2012 Dr Carton engaged with ESA to secure contracts to set up an ISO9001 manufacturing facility in Ireland, to manufacture Heat-Shield components, for the Solar Orbiter Satellite (due to launch in 2018).
In 2013, Dr Carton re-joined Dublin City University to project manage an Enterprise Ireland project FCPM to develop and commercialise Fuel Cell technology. In 2015, Dr Carton was appointed Principal Investigator on a subsequent Enterprise Ireland project PureH2, developing an energy system utilising innovative catalysts for hydrogen production.
In 2017 Dr Carton was appointed Assistant Professor in Sustainable Energy in the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at Dublin City University.
Dr Carton is a member of the Future Energy Leaders (FEL-100) programme of the World Energy Council (WEC). Within this role Dr Carton is engaged with the Renewables System Integration and Scenarios Study Groups, and presently co-leader of The Climate Change Task Force, developing energy policy and strategies for industry and governments.
Dr Carton’s research focus is Energy sustainability through Innovative technology development; Fuel cell, Hydrogen, Power-to-Gas and Renewable energy. His team have invented and patented fuel cell materials and technologies to reduce their manufacture cost.
Dr Carton Lectures undergraduate and postgraduate students in Energy, Thermodynamics, Strength of Materials and engineering design modules, developing course lectures and demonstration techniques for a modern classroom.