School of Electronic Engineering

Dr. Muhammad Intizar Ali is an Assistant Professor in the School of Electronic Engineering, Dublin City University. His research interests include Data Analytics, Internet of Things (IoT), Stream Query Processing, Data Integration, Distributed and Federated Machine Learning, and Knowledge Graphs. Dr. Ali’s research outcomes have been successfully applied in the domain of Smart Cities, Smart Manufacturing, Smart Farming, and e-Health. He has been collaborating with large scale Science Foundation Ireland funded research centres including Insight Centre for Data Analytics, Confirm Centre for Smart Manufacturing, and VistaMIlk Centre. He is also actively involved in various EU funded and industry-funded projects aimed at providing IoT enabled adaptive intelligence for smart applications. Dr. Ali has authored over 100 research articles, including journal publications, conferences & workshops proceedings, and posters/demos in renowned journals and international conferences. Prior to joining DCU, he worked as an Adjunct Lecturer, Research Fellow, and Research Unit Leader of Reasoning, Querying, and IoT Data Analytics Unit at the Insight Centre for Data Analytics, National University of Ireland, Galway. Dr. Ali obtained his Ph.D. (with distinction) from Vienna University of Technology, Austria in 2011.
Internet of Things (IoT)
Data Analytics
Machine Learning & AI for IoT
Edge Analytics
Data Integration
Stream Processing and Reasoning
Semantic Web & Linked Data