Chloe Richards – Visit to Université de Toulon

Research student Chloe Richards, is visiting Université de Toulon in France on Monday the 16th. She will visit there while Prof. Fiona Regan is a visiting professor in the laboratory of Prof. Christine Bressy at Mapiem to work on a project investigating bioinspired marine antifouling coatings and textures. Chloe is going there to learn biofouling and biofilm assessment techniques from specialists at Laboratorie Mapiem which is part of the university.

Chloe will also immerse her deployment cage with slides coated in novel hydrophobic sol gel and bio-inspired textured coatings as part of her research in the bay at Toulon on a raft of the lab of Prof. Bressy. She will carry out preliminary testing of brill fish inspired structures to examine their anti-fouling properties. Additionally, Chloe plans to study the biodiversity of biofouling organisms in the Mediterranean as a comparison with the Atlantic and Dublin Bay.

Chloe coating her samples with hydrophobic coatings in preparation for deployment in Toulon and in Ireland.
Chloe laser cutting parts for deployment cage from PMMA material.