New Citizen Science Project Launches

Urban citizen’s 6.3.2 calling on citizens to monitor water quality in four Dublin rivers

Urban Citizen’s 6.3.2 has received funding from the Irish Research Council, to carry out a two-year project working with local communities to monitor Dublin’s rivers and streams.

This new project headed by Dr. Susan Hegarty will encourage local communities to monitor water quality (by measuring a number of plant nutrients) and biodiversity (macroinvertebrates – insects that live in the water) at a greater scale than previously reported in these water bodies, and will encourage stewardship of these by the communities who engage with them directly. Increased monitoring can aid the identification of contamination sources, and can prevent pollution events. It can also help to change attitudes in local communities towards developing green corridors that flow through the urban environment, and promote environmental sustainability.

DCU have agreed a partnership for this project with Earthwatch Europe, Dublin City Council, and the Local Authorities Water Programme (LAWPRO). The project will begin recruiting community groups in April and May 2023.


This Project addresses SDG 6 and SDG 11

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