DCU Water Café: Understanding Environmental antibiotic resistance in urban waters

DCU Water Hub or Online via Zoom

February 28th @ 2:00pm (Irish time) 

Established in 2015 The DCU Water Institute Water Café is an informal engagement initiative designed to bring together researchers, policymakers, industry representatives, and community members to discuss pressing water-related challenges and solutions. It serves as a platform for open conversations on topics such as water quality, sustainability, citizen science, and emerging technologies in water monitoring and treatment.

The Water Café offers a dynamic space for casual, interactive discussions, fostering open dialogue rather than formal presentations. It brings together a diverse group of participants, including academics, government agencies, industry partners, NGOs, and local communities, ensuring a cross-sector approach to water issues.

This Month’s SpeakerNicole Fahrenfeld

Nicole Fahrenfeld is an associate professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Rutgers University. She earned her B.S. from Johns Hopkins University, M.S. from Clemson University, and Ph.D. from Virginia Tech. Her research team focuses on the fate of microbial and organic chemical contaminants across environmental matrices.

This will be a Hybrid Event taking place on DCU Campus and online

Registered Attendees will receive a Zoom link via email linked to before commencement

Register here