The carbon footprint of washing my dishes
Hot water is one of the bigger energy-consuming issues in a household. The kitchen sink is actually the source of the greatest water-related carbon emissions in the home. Keeping the kitchen tap running can lead to about 150 kg of CO2 being released per year. Putting dirty dishes into a dishwasher uses less energy and less water than doing them by hand. In fact, it is reported that using the dishwasher could reduce greenhouse gas emissions from washing up by 72% compared to doing them by hand.[1] Sometimes we pre-rinse dishes under a running tap, before putting them in the dishwasher, but this reduces the savings. Another big no-no is running a dishwasher that is only half full. Why not use a basin for washing up, rather than a running tap. This alone could save about 600 kg of CO2 in a year.