July 2018

PhD Position Available at DCU Water Institute
A collaborative project that will look at the use of data for catchment scale water management. It will explore opportunities in digitising integrated catchment management in Ireland through the full water cycle.

Chloe Richards – Visit to Université de Toulon
Research student Chloe Richards, is visiting Université de Toulon in France on Monday the 16th. Chloe is going there to learn biofouling and biofilm assessment techniques and to immerse her depolyment platform in the bay at Toulon.

Seafest 2018
The Water Institute attended the Our Ocean Wealth Summit 2018 and Trade Show to demonstrate some of our current marine based projects. To find out more about the technology showcased, click down below.

DCU / Australia Collaboration Tour
With the commencement of Dublin City University (DCU) Water Institute Australian collaboration tour, Ivan Maguire landed in Adelaide, South Australia in July.
This tour was targeting the investigation into potential cross-project collaboration and student exchange programmes between the Universities of Australia and Dublin City University. Destinations included will be Adelaide, Brisbane, RockHampton, Sydney, Wollongong, and Yeppoon. Follow Ivans updates on the Water Institute’s Water Blog

MONITOOL celebrates its second partners meeting under the frame of IPSW2018
The second partners meeting of MONITOOL took place in Dublin the 9th of May, where results of the recent sampling campaigns have been discussed.
This meeting took place coinciding with the 10th International Passive Sampling Workshop and Symposium, also held at Dublin City University between 9th and 11th May 2018.