Thursday 25th June, 2020 Water Blog

A programme for government – without a strong water agenda


The programme for government agreed in June 2020 [1] states:

Water infrastructure deficits impact on the provision of safe and secure drinking water, lead to pollution and environmental damage, and present a challenge to achieving sustainable development across urban and rural Ireland. Continued investment in infrastructure is required, to ensure the continued supply of good-quality drinking water and the appropriate treatment of wastewater to protect our waterways.


The document says that:

To reduce water consumption across all sectors of society, we will:

  • Implement the recommendations of the Committee on Future Funding of Domestic Water Services in relation to excess use.
  • Advocate at EU level for more water and energy-efficient white goods.
  • Conduct a feasibility study examining how further assistance can be given to low-income households for the installation of water efficient appliances.


Where do we see the transformative changes that are needed to encourage people to value water and to stop using expensive – treated water, for inappropriate activities.


Where do we see incentives for people to transform their water usage habits, to make a real change and support our water security into the future.


Where do we see a green agenda to transform how we manage water demand into the future in the context of climate change?


Where do we see the importance of water demand in terms of attracting foreign direct investment and ensuring economic and societal growth in Ireland?


Where is water really in the agenda?





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