Tuesday June 2nd, 2020 Water Blog

So, as I thought, water restrictions are being imposed in Ireland after weeks and weeks of dry weather. It has been reported that people in Coole, Castlepollard, Delvin, Clonmellon, Raharney and surrounding areas will have restricted water use over night to ensure the supply. It is being done to allow reservoirs to refill so that daytime water supply can be maintained. The recent dry spell all over the country has meant that reservoirs are low.

Today An Forum Uisce issued its annual report for 2019 [1] and a really interesting independent report [2] on a review of the Eastern and Midlands water supply project. I think there is room for lots of improvements and discussions around water resilience and how we value water.  We need to avoid short term measures and create a resilient and secure water supply for all into the future.


[1] https://thewaterforum.ie/app/uploads/2020/06/An-Fóram-Uisce-Annual-Report-2019-final.pdf

[2] https://www.thewaterforum.ie/app/uploads/2020/03/REPORT-to-An-Fóram-on-the-WSP-by-Nelly-Maublanc-May-2019.pdf

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