Post-Doctoral Fellowship in environmental analytical science for marine chemical screening

Irish Marine Screening and Assessment of Emerging Contaminants in Coastal and Transitional Environments (I-SECURE) is a collaborative project, led by the DCU Water Institute with the Irish Marine Institute, University of Portsmouth, RECETOX and Agilent.

Anthropogenic contaminants reach the marine environment from land-based sources, but there are cases in which they are emitted or re-mobilised in the marine environment itself. The I-SECURE project involves the study of sources and occurrences of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) in the marine coastal and transitional waters. The project will review and evaluate the potential application of novel approaches (high resolution screening, passive sampling, effect-based methods and vulnerability assessment) in future risk-based water quality assessment for CECs.

This is an exciting opportunity for a passionate scientist with a keen interest in research involving the chemicals in the coastal and marine environment. The post-doctoral fellow will engage with relevant national and international networks, exploring opportunities for collaboration and securing research funding under Horizon Europe. This fellowship will build national expertise in this important
research area.

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