Water Blitz 2021

The 2021 WaterBlitz has once again been an incredible success. We have received nearly 600 sample results over the four days – this is outstanding, and we cannot thank our participants enough. Waterbodies were tested in almost every county in Ireland by engaged individuals, families, community groups, schools, rivers, and environmental groups. Over the following number of weeks, we will put together this data to understand what it tells us about the quality of Ireland’s waterbodies. A user-friendly report will be compiled with the data collated using some visuals such as maps and infographics.

From the feedback and photographs we received throughout the weekend it really seems like the event was very much enjoyed by all the participants who took advantage of the mainly fine weather to get outdoors and test the water quality in their local river, stream or lake. We received so many amazing photos and video clips for the competition, which can be seen below.

Overall, the 2021 WaterBlitz was a great success. It gained a tremendous amount of traction across Ireland and throughout many different river and environmental groups in particular. We hope everyone enjoyed it and learned something new about the value of our most precious resource – water.


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