On the Road Again
Willie Nelson speaks for us all when he sings……
On the road again
I just can’t wait to get on the road again
The life I love is makin’ music with my friends
And I can’t wait to get on the road again
The country is open!
We can move outside our 20 kilometre distance. We can visit relatives. While people are getting into their cars to make the trip, the rain will he behind them and in front of them. June has been wetter than the previous three months. Some rivers are fuller than they have been in months. The Met Eireann data from Dublin Airport tells us that this June’s rainfall is about average for the past 4 years. So this will help regenerate the reservoirs so desperate for water levels to recover.
We are all starting to recover from being kept to our locality. But let’s remember the advice and stay 2 meters apart and wash hands.