Celtic Pure Suffer Second Bottled Water Recall

Following a recall of its products in early August of this year due to high levels of arsenic, a range of Celtic Pure products have again been recalled from Irish shelves – although this time the recall is due to the presence of P. aeruginosa, Enterococci or E. coli bacteria in illegal amounts.

The company sell Celtic Pure bottled water in a variety of Irish stores, and also supply own-brand water to a number of chains. Implicated supermarkets include Dunnes Stores, Aldi, Applegreen, Gala, Lidl and Londis who all receive water bottled by the company.

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) and Health Service Executive (HSE) advise customers to return implicated batches and not to drink contaminated water. The source of microbiological contamination was not revealed however any sort of microbiological contamination is not good and harmful to human health.

The HSE has served a Prohibition Order on Celtic Pure, prohibiting it from placing any other impacted product on the market. The FSAI have stated that the recall arose from its ongoing investigation in partnership with the HSE into the operations of Celtic Pure and that as the investigation was ongoing, no further comment could be provided.

To read the FSAI’s notice in full, please click here.

1  B. Pattison, Bottled water sold in Dublin supermarkets recalled as E coli detected in batches, https://www.dublinlive.ie/news/dublin-news/bottled-water-sold-dublin-supermarkets-17122955, (accessed 22 October 2019).

2  C. McCrave, Own-brand bottled water recalled in several supermarkets over presence of bacteria, https://www.thejournal.ie/celtic-pure-bottled-water-recalled-4861295-Oct2019/, (accessed 22 October 2019).

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